Your feedback is important to us

Help us to improve

Short questions, huge help

We are always striving to improve and your feedback is essential. Please take a moment to fill out the following form. Let us know what you liked and where we can improve. All feedback is valuable, because your input helps us to design and refine our products according to your wishes. Of course, this applies not only to our products but also to us!

1 Step 1
Customer Experience
Which unit did you receive?
Tell us about your experience!
Do you need additional Training?We are happy to offer extended support!

Please note, that we try to make the selected dates possible, however this requires available staff.

Upload Pictures & Videos

We always love to see our units in operation with our customers! Please share a few pictures and / or videos with us!

NOTE: If you allow us to us the uploaded files, we make sure tail numbers will be removed! We can also blur people if requested.

Can we use the uploaded files for marketing purposes?Registrations will be removed
How we can get better?
Please select
EquipmentHow would you rate the delivered unit?
CommunicationHow was the overall communication with our team?
TrainingIf you received an onsite training, how was the experience?
Overall SatisfactionHow would you rate your overall satisfaction with TowFLEXX?
Are we allowed to use your valuable feedback for our testimonials?Please select
Thank you very much for taking the time!

Can you spare another minute?

In the e-commerce world, many potential customers look for information online first. An important indicator when choosing a product is the ratings of products and dealers. Google is often the first source to receive this information quickly and efficiently. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could leave us a brief Google review!

Not sure how to submit a Google review?

No problem at all, you can’t know everything! In this short video, we have briefly and summarized how you can easily leave us a Google review.